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Lip & Dermal
Filler Pre-Care

So you always hear of the After Care but the Pre-Care really can help you achieve much better immediate results from your treatment.


The preparation doesn't just start when you come to have your treatment, these are some things you should take into consideration and do prior to your treatment.

Model's Lower Face
  • At least 48 hours weeks before you attend your appointment you should avoid taking blood thinning medication such as aspirin, ibuprofen & St Johns Wart.  If your medication is prescribed do not just stop taking this medication but consult with your doctor first.


  • If you suffer from cold sores lip fillers can trigger an outbreak so you may want to get some Aciclovir prescribed by your doctor to take to try to prevent this.  Even if you haven't had a cold sore before needle trauma can give you a cold sore, if this happens get treatment from your local chemist.


  • For your own comfort you can purchase numbing cream over the counter at your local pharmacy and apply around 30 mins before you attend your appointment, this saves waiting in clinic for 20 mins to numb.  Further numbing can be applied upon arrival but allowing extra numbing time prior gives you extra comfort.  Please ensure you let Lou know if you have applied your own numbing prior to your treatment.


  • Around a week before your treatment, start taking herbal anti-inflammatory tablets (arnica), this really can help minimise bruising, it does't mean you won't get one but it really can help prevent them and also if you do get one it can help them to heal quicker.


  • Reducing your alcohol and caffeine intake around 3 days before treatment really helps with bleeding and healing as alcohol and caffeine thins the blood and can cause bruising.


  • Definitely no alcohol or caffeine on the day of your treatment.


  • Make sure you have ice packs to wrap in the freezer and purchase some arnica cream for after your treatment so you can apply as required.  


  • This sounds like an awful lot but all of this advice really does mean that bruising and swelling is reduced greatly, meaning more of a comfortable and enjoyable experience for you.



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